Reflexiones sobre la práctica docente y las demandas para la formación de contadores. Volviendo a las fuentes

  • María del Carmen Rodriguez de Ramirez
Keywords: Education, Critical thinking, Public interest, Accreditatio


In this paper the author draws upon certain educational literature she considers basic for educational purposes, in general, and for dealing with the university education of public accountants, in particular, in these times of crisis and constant change. To face the challenges the actual context poses on us, we must reconsider most of our pedagogic practices and reflect time and again upon proposals with approaches that are still valid from a functional and practical point of view. Revisiting some of these approaches sets us on the path and prevents us from falling in love with superficial proposals that nowadays are considered “innovative” just because they use terms such as “holistic”, “interdisciplinary”, “contextual” or “ethic”.


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How to Cite
Rodriguez de Ramirez, M. (1). Reflexiones sobre la práctica docente y las demandas para la formación de contadores. Volviendo a las fuentes. Contabilidad Y Auditoría, (39), 43 Págs. Retrieved from